Visceral Manipulation with Peter Thompson
Our in-house Osteopath Peter Thompson talks about Visceral Manipulation, a technique developed by French Osteopath, Jean Pierre Barral. “Visceral Manipulation is a very soft technique that gently guides and mobilizes organs in the body that are found to be restricted or have become sluggish. This technique helps ‘reactivate’ them back into better function. This can be used throughout the body and can assist nerve function and blood and lymph circulation. Because of its affect on the nervous system, it can help energy levels and promote better communication between organs and systems of your body”.
Visceral Manipulation is beneficial for digestive conditions like gastric reflux (GORD), due to the promotion of stomach and esophageal motion. Visceral Manipulation can relieve reflux and alleviate the distressing symptoms of heartburn, while also helping overall digestive function. Visceral Manipulation applied to the neck region has a direct affect on the Vagus Nerve and other Cranial Nerves which can affect digestive function significantly.
We find Visceral Manipulation valuable in the individually tailored treatment programs developed by Brett and Darren.