Trust your body
Just as the body is a finely tuned, marvellous organism that is able to adjust to the most subtle changes, illness is always a biologically meaningful process, the purpose of which is to eliminate toxins and to repair, reduce, or contain the damage they cause. Symptoms are your bodies’ way of telling you that all is not well! Something is missing, being overloaded, or over looked – its needs are not being met at some level.
Illness is a reflection of your past decisions and actions (and/or genetic inheritance) and your future health status is completely in your hands. Ignoring a problem at work does not make it go away. The body will continue to try to let you know of its problem in ever increasingly more obvious ways until you finally take notice.
Some other insights of note:
- Disease is not an error of nature or accident as is often assumed.
- Symptoms of illness are indicative of the body’s best efforts at dealing with the problem, they are not the problem itself.
- It can take years for chronic disease to develop and correspondingly it takes time to ‘turn the ship around’ and get back on course.
- Just as you don’t find straight roads leading out of wilderness areas, your healing journey may take you on many twists and turns, highs and lows before you reach civilisation again – and some expeditions can be expensive.
- Realise that there is no “magic bullet”, a practitioner cannot offer you, and we do not promise you a ‘cure’ for illness. What we can provide in some cases is a pair of pretty impressive ‘crutches’ for you to lean on for a while to assist the body in its self-healing and recovery from dis-ease.
- FACT is: If your desire is physical health, you need do what physically healthy people do!
- Illness is a way of nature telling you to look at your current life circumstance and see what has become stagnant or stuck. A time to take stock and identify issues and coping mechanisms that might have been appropriate in another phase of your life but which are now no longer useful or even detrimental to your health.
Taking medication as a Band-Aid measure is fine and sometimes necessary in the short term but this is no cure! The pharmaceutical may take the pain away and mask the symptoms but does nothing to address the cause of your pain or condition. So listen to your body, take notice of its advice and you may just make yourself a new best friend!