One of the issues I have had with my diet was that I would eat an excessive amount of junk food at night. I’ve never been a huge sweet eater… meaning I could not sit and eat a whole block of chocolate or a whole packet of biscuits like some friends of mine. I am the type of person that would go to the fridge and grab something small. Yet I would repeat this action over and over and before I know it, I’ve eaten way more than I should have! This had kept the weight staying over what I had been comfortable with… AND came the realisation that I was kidding myself that I wasn’t a ‘huge sweet eater’!! It was time that I CUT THE CRAP.
A few tips that I have picked up along the way are:
1. Either brush my teeth when I felt a sweet craving coming on after dinner or chew a mint based piece of chewing gum – this helped reduce the want to eat anything sweet
2. When I really looked at what I was consuming (and got over the shock!), I placed that amount of food on a plate and sat it next to me. I allowed myself to still have that something sweet, yet since we also eat with our eyes, I found that there was no way I could get through it all. Therefore the amount I was eating lessened by more than half… and I started to shift some weight!
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