Keeping time for successful weight loss
Part five in the reasons for unsuccessful weight management. The White rabbit knows how it feels to be pushed for time!!!
For many people weight management is difficult because they are trying to juggle so many separate parts in their very busy lives. From personal experience I know how busy life can get and I am more than sure it was not supposed to be this way…but aside from ditching it all in and heading off to the never never (which does seem very appealing some days albeit totally impractical!) there are some strategies we can use to help make the most out of every day, and if we apply these as weight management strategies it can make reaching our goals that much easier…
1. Set aside a time every week for you. A ½-1 hour should do it. During this ‘me’ time plan…plan your shopping list and your meals and plan how they will fit in with the rest of the family. Make life as simple as you can so you are not cooking for what seems like a busy restaurant with many different orders!
2. Cook in advance. Make your weekly snacks in advance and pop them in the fridge or freezer so they are quick and easy to grab when you feel hungry. This way there will be less need to go for foods that are not part of your weight management program.
3. Prioritise your weight management program. Make sure you put yourself as number one during your program that way all the little stuff has less chance of getting in your way. Everyone else will be pushing as they always do but you need to make it clear that the time you are giving yourself to manage your weight is of high priority and it will not be seconded except for emergencies.
4. Keep a diary and schedule in your exercise time just like an appointment. Whether it be a walk in the park, a home exercise video, a gym session or yoga class make sure you have your exercise booked in so it’s not sidelined.
5. Get into a routine. I know this is hard to do if like me you have a busy family life, however any kind of structure to your day will help ease the stress and help you feel in control.
6. Stop watching television! Since we stopped watching television we have literally hours of free time every day which we can spend how we like. You may find an extra couple of hours each night to spend planning, meditating, exercising, cooking, reading, or talking and sharing with family and friends. Now that’s time well spent!