Surviving the Winter Flu Season
The most common and frequent pathogens that we are exposed to include influenza and cold viruses. Generally, the symptoms are short lasting, and we recover over a week or so, and only require acute support. We would recommend some herbal immune support using Andrographis and Reishi mushroom extract, with a little Vitamin A, D, C, plus zinc and bio-flavonoids will usually do the trick.
However, when re-infections are frequent and debilitating, evaluating for underlying drivers is a key Naturopathic principle that needs to be looked at. What set of factors has allowed the flu to settle in and what is preventing your complete recovery?
While vulnerable populations may be more susceptible to chronic or recurrent infections, interestingly this can also occur in otherwise seemingly healthy individuals too. In these cases, addressing underlying factors involves a systemic evaluation, including the role of the mitochondria, gastrointestinal function, the microbiome, underlying stealth pathogen infections, and auto-immune conditions.
We often see, even in a body with a generally healthy immune system, after repeated rounds of antibiotics the one infection it was meant to suppress, resurface in the form of repeated colds as the body is trying to expel it… Please, follow the worldwide warnings to only use antibiotics where it is absolutely necessary or life-saving.
It goes without saying that there are things we cannot do for you: you need to stay in bed, rug up to sweat it out, and rest. If you (or the kids) don’t feel like eating that’s fine as long as you keep hydrated.
At Core, your practitioner is best placed to construct a program based on your ‘obstacles to cure’ to change and improve the circumstances around which your disease developed. This also allows other pharmaceutical medications and therapies to have the most beneficial effects possible with least side effects and create ‘space’ for the body to get back to health.