Are you interested in winning 6 free Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions? All you need do to go into the draw to win this amazing prize is to either call 1300 855 008 or email us before October 10th to register your seat for our free Community Connect event to be held at the Corrimal Community […]
It is only in quieting yourself, becoming still, and in this silent listening, a listening deeply to yourself through the breath can you hear your inner promptings, your deep and authentic truth.
Natural medicine was up until recently the only medicine – period. It wasn’t considered “an alternative.” That only happened after corporate medicine’s patented drugs came onto the scene and profit – not safety and efficacy – became the ultimate priority. For example, if you were to enlarge and peruse the amazing 1930’s pharmacist’s map of ‘herbal cures’, you will see […]
Modern medicine has evolved to where it is today in part through a scientific and philosophical debate that capped off the 19th century. On one side of the debate was French microbiologist Antoine Bechamp. On the other side was French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. I will get to the ‘poo pills’ reference shortly… Bechamp and Pasteur […]
Cells, cells and more cells. 100 000 billion of them in fact. Each one a community of its own. What makes a natural healthy cell? Its environment (internal and external). The environment dictates the way the cell expresses its genetic material in the nucleus via the so called “junk genes” which act as the dials […]
Spirituality plays an important role that is often overlooked in one’s healing process. We are body, mind, and spirit. Health necessarily involves all of these components and any program intended to improve health must address all of them. While body and mind health often the most reported and understood, it’s our spiritual health that can […]
A talk given by Peter Thompson to the Walkie Talkie Walking Group during Senior’s Week. Thanks to the Walkie Talkie Walking Group for inviting me to address you. By way of background, I have been a Chiropractor and Osteopath for over 30 years. I have lectured at University training Chiropractors and at TAFE training Massage […]