Relax and recover with iMRS
Fires, pandemics, war and flood – nothing to be stressed about here!?
Add to this the never ending “to-do” lists and there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. For many of us – this heightens an internal anxiety or make us feel more out of sorts with our nervous system. Sleep can be affected, one can notice becoming more snappy or moody, others find themselves more withdrawn and exhausted with the increased demands.
If this resonates with you – then stop, have a moment and take a big, deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.
As you already well know, creating the space for self care during these busy stressful times, is essential. I know, I know – “you don’t have time”. Well, set that aside as I invite you to make the time for yourself – you are worth it. Come have a visit at Core Naturopathics and hop on the IMRS mat for a half hour of deep relaxation.
You will feel a gentle warmth deep within as the infrared waves penetrate your body. The pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) waves will also do deep work on your body.
Main Benefits:
•Improve sleep, more energy, lower stress response, better mood, less brain fog, reduced pain, increased circulation, anti-inflammatory, promotes bone/wound healing
•Re-set your nervous system so you are less likely to be in “fight or flight” and you can spend more time in “rest and relax”
•Shift nervous system response to past trauma – like the benefits of deep meditation, without the meditation!
Additional Information:
Whilst on the mat, your heart rate variability (HRV) is calculated, as well as a number of other health parameters from a sensor placed on your finger. Using a specialized software program, we assess the data to gather information about your stress index and nervous system function. This is interesting to monitor over time and the goal is that we see the body return to baseline (a healthy state of balance) with consistent and repeated use of the IMRS mat.
So if your stress, poor sleep, mood issues, brain fog, past trauma or any form of nervous system imbalance is an obstacle for you being your best self right now, call up Core today and book an appointment to try the IMRS mat.
Deborah Gibson (Naturopath)