Pass the butter please…
You’ve probably heard stories from your grandparents and great-grandparents about how they used to eat lamb’s fry, bacon with all the fat, lathered everything in butter and drippings. Where meat and three veg was the stock standard dinner. What if they were right and the way we have been told to eat for the past 40 odd years, for the most part, was wrong? Well there’s a huge movement in the world to going back to eating just like this.
There are lots of different names for this “new” way of eating – Paleo diet, Foodist, LCHF – (Low Carb High Fat), Atkins, The Fat Revolution… the list goes on. They all are slightly different but the basic idea is the same – eat REAL FOOD. Nothing processed, nothing genetically modified, no added chemicals. The sort of foods our grandparents ate!
We’re going back to the basics for the most part… meat, veg, fruit, lots of good fats. Yes fats… avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, olive oil (cold pressed), coconut oil. Foods that provide nutrients to our bodies – not deplete them.
Eating fat can actually make us look younger and feel more energised. Fats provide energy and are essential for cell rejuvenation and hormone production. They also help us assimilate vitamins A, D, E, and K, so serving vegetables with butter is a perfect combination. Fat is also essential in converting carotene to vitamin A, and is vital for many other processes within a healthy body. Turns out eating fat doesn’t make you fat – sugar does (but that’s another story for another post).
While there’s never going to be a one size fits all approach to diet and health (we are all individuals after-all), just focusing on consuming nutritious, whole foods is a great place to start.
I for one am happy to eat scrambled eggs lathered in butter with mushrooms, tomato and a handful of spinach leaves for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner for that matter! Not so sure about the lamb’s fry though…