Natural Treatment for Surfer’s Ear
Surfer’s ear (Diffuse Exostosis) is the common name to describe the progressive build-up of bone within the ear canal, due to long-term exposure to wind and cold-water.
The human body appears not to like wind and cold water next to the eardrum and, if this occurs over a period of years, will adapt by reducing the size of the ear canal with bony growths.
Over time, this can eventually cause a partial or complete blockage of the ear canal causing symptoms including ear pain or earache, recurrent infection and dullness of hearing.
Who can suffer from Surfer’s Ear?
Surfer’s Ear is very common, affecting to some degree around 70% of people who surf or participate in water sports regularly over 10 years.
Sufferers can include: Surfers, Swimmers, Scuba divers, Sailors, Fishermen, Kayakers, Kite boarders and other water sport participants.
However, I have even treated an alpine horse rider for the condition! Makes sense – similar cold wind and damp exposure?
How do you know if you have Surfer’s Ear?
Symptoms include earaches and pain; water trapped in your ear canal; recurring infections, popping or crackling sounds; dulled hearing.
Surfer’s Ear vs Swimmer’s ear
While there is some overlap, ‘Swimmer’s ear’ is caused by water getting stuck in the ear canal leading to blockage and bacterial infection.
This happens when the surface tension of the ear canal changes due to inflammation and water pools in the ear rather than flowing out as usual.
Nature knows best
Developed at the prompting of a local surfer with the condition, I formulated an all-natural ear drop solution back in 1999 and have not found the need to change it since.
Designed to restore the normal surface tension of the ear canal, enabling water to flow out of even the worst of ears, it’s a one of a kind solution.
Assessment and treatment
Book your ear assessment in the clinic (digital otoscopic screening of ear canal included) or purchase ear drops from our dispensary.
Call today on 1300 855 008