The health industry has defined menopause as a disease (and discovered it as another source of income…), a disease that will require treatment for life! As part of this process we see the mismanagement of drug protocols, misinformation, specific menopause product development, the establishment of institutions and the growth of the information gurus. The current concept of menopause supports thousands of people and generates billions of dollars. Menopause as an industry.
Menopause is a natural process, it is a transition: the cessation of the primary function of the human ovaries. It completes the fertile phase of life. Your ovaries do (or did) produce hormones and these hormones eventually downsize in quality and quantity, and even the location of the primary production of hormones changes. It happens to every woman at some point in her life. But there are other organs that continue to produce these hormones for life. The adrenal glands now become mostly responsible for this production and this is a key factor in recognising the association between menopause and stress.
This crucial point around stress may be why there is such a variation in symptoms between women. It is not a disease and that is why some women are fortunate enough to have limited symptoms. Those women with exacerbated symptoms may have underlying stress processes, that is stress not purely based on emotion. The body may be under constant pressure from inflammation, immune irregularity, body composition or metabolic insufficiencies. It is the impact of these stressors on daily function and the amount of work the body must accomplish to maintain these basic daily functions that creates the possibility for exhaustion.
So this means a body not requiring constant monitoring or twenty four hour care has the ability to support this transition. It has the reserves to do so and therefore limited symptoms as a side effect are produced.
The benefits of seeing menopause from this view point is that you can prepare your body before menopause and support it through this transition period. Support may include treating underlying stressors, supporting adrenal function, reviewing body composition, reducing inflammation as well as helping to balance hormones.
Core Naturopathics is now specialising in natural solutions to menopause and we are excited with the added service of a general practitioner able to prescribe bio-identical hormone replacement located within the centre.
Please call us for more information or to make a booking.