Re-framing and transforming the way cancer is seen and treated is essential if society is to reverse the present increasing trend in diagnosis (1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women). Cancer is regarded as a death sentence. It’s spoken of as a ‘no hope’ dead end road. ‘Please donate so we can find a cure’. Every concept we hear about cancer is associated with fear and frustration.
Treatments are inhuman and despite billions of dollars invested over many decades, no major breakthrough has been achieved. Talking about it is shunned in polite society and most cringe or ‘shrink back’ at the mere mention of the word.
Cancer is not something that you catch!
• That we produce and surround ourselves with cancer causing products every day is ignored.
• That the food ‘like’ substances we eat are killing us is ignored.
• That we have polluted the world with GMO’s, radiation and toxic pollution is ignored.
• That we live under constant stress and high EMF is similarly discounted.
• That family support and traditional community life has been lost and replaced with an artificial world that isolates and does not support anybody.
• That the industry charged with finding a cure is first and foremost (by law) responsible to share holder return, not your health!
Medical science looks only at the symptom (cancer and all other degenerative diseases for that matter) and wonder’s why it can’t find a cure. They ignore the fact that cancer is merely a reflection of what we do to our body, to our life and to the world – the predictable end result of poor diet, lifestyle, environment and sociological choices.
If we are to re-frame Cancer, then it can be seen as ‘simply’ the end result of a loss of self regulation of the immune system driven by a set of circumstances unique to each person. Certainly surgery can be a great option (if appropriate or possible) but using treatments with side effects that cause the condition which you are trying to eradicate will always be self defeating in the end.
If we are transforming the way Cancer is treated then we must investigate and address the set of factors leading to its development. Not to do so, even with effective short term treatment, will inevitably see its recurrence.
Cancer and all other degenerative diseases are an indication or sign of something in our lives and environment that needs to be addressed (pronto!) and perhaps we have to be grateful to our bodies for providing such a great incentive for change before it’s too late for ourselves and more broadly for all of humanity.
Cancer could possibly be the greatest opportunity to transform our economy, our creativity and our life for a sustainable future (now there’s a silver lining…).
We don’t want and obviously can’t go back to the stone ages leaving behind all the conveniences we have come to love and rely on, but we certainly need to be able choosing more wisely and pro life.
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