Introducing Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient method of treating the body and mind (yes actually they are not as separate as you might think….) by accessing well-defined energy points that are located along the 12 major channels. You can think of the channels like river systems and of the points as accessing the ground water through a well. The needles used in acupuncture are extremely fine (not hollow as with injection needles) and the insertion is not painful at all. It is suitable for young and old, and would you believe, most kids love it too. It can both treat existing symptoms as well a clear any stagnation that would later lead to illness if left unresolved. Acupuncture is one of the main methods of Traditional Chinese medicine that is a complete system of medicine that has withstood the tests of time for over 2000 years! If you have done all the tests and have been told “we can’t find anything, there is nothing wrong with you” but you know that you need support try Acupuncture. It is subtle yet powerful and has no side effects.
Ingrid is a trained practitioner and will offer acupuncture at CORE on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Tuesday the 27. May. The first 2 weeks there is special offer ($20 off all consults 27.5. -10.6.).