The Core Potential test takes a holistic approach to diagnosing what’s causing illness, and identifying the roadblocks that are keeping you from living at your peak health.

Heavy Metal/Mineral Test
Could your health challenge be related to a simple mineral deficiency? The Oligoscan detects deficiencies and excesses of 20 life essential and 14 toxic elements within one minute.

Microbiome Sampling
Understand not just the composition of the microbiome, but its functions, the factors that truly impacts your nutrition, inflammatory status, gut health, brain function and more.

Genetic Screening
By analysing your DNA profile, a targeted program of nutrition, exercise and life style choices can be designed specifically to support inherited ‘weak points’ and to promote your health goals.

VO2 Max Metabolic Testing
VO2 Max Breath Analysis measures an array of metabolic factors which support your capacity to improve vitality, aging, weight loss and performance.

Our Naturopaths are part of a select group of health care professionals who use Biological Impedance Analysis. BIA can be thought of as measuring the ‘foundation stones’ upon which you health is built.

The precursors to serious health imbalances may be observed real-time in the state of ever-changing blood.

Food Sensitivity Testing
Essentially food sensitivity is your body’s reaction to certain foods which can manifest itself in a number of ways. By identifying and minimising exposure to problem foods, healing time of the gut can be greatly reduced.
Our Approach
Our health screening service and test menu has been meticulously selected to identify individual biochemical blocks and imbalances leading to (or expressing as) the symptoms of your disease.
Comprehensive screening of the body’s systems provides essential information for your practitioners as they tailor treatment; fine tune recommendations and monitor the body’s progress towards balance and wellbeing.
Our practitioners also understand a vital truth when it comes to effective and efficient care – ‘if you don’t test you don’t know’ and ‘without measuring you are only guessing!’
In addition, many of our tests are performed onsite which means that we can get straight to treating the root cause of your health problems.