How to build a healthy gut microbiome
When we refer to your ‘gut microbiome’, we are talking about the genetic material of the bacteria that lives in your gut. The human gut microbiome and its role in both health and disease has been the subject of broad research, establishing its involvement in human metabolism, nutrition, physiology, and immune function.
When there is imbalance in your gut microbiome, it is often referred to as ‘gut dysbiosis’. This condition can wreak havoc and be the cause of many different disorders. Fortunately, there is a great deal that you can do in regards to diet to help restore your gut microbiome and achieve long lasting better health outcomes. These include;
- Avoid refined sugar and reduce alcohol as they feed unfriendly gut bacteria
- Avoid common food sensitivities such as wheat and dairy as they lead to inflammation
- Eat a wide variety of colourful vegetables and healthy starches to feed your good gut bacteria
- Eat fermented foods such as natural yoghurts, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha as they support and feed good gut bacteria
- Counteract stress by introducing restorative exercise or making time for things you enjoy
- Ensure you’re getting sufficient sleep each night, as poor sleep can disrupt friendly gut bacteria
- Eat slowly and mindfully
- Avoid certain drugs that disrupt and damage gut bacteria. This includes the oral contraceptive pill, antibiotics and stomach acid medication
- Move everyday
- Drink plenty of fresh filtered water
If you need help with anything further, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at the clinic. Want to learn more about the importance of gut health? Click here to read about ‘The Importance of Gut Health’