Food Sensitivities
by Felicity
Eating on the run, and eating poor quality foods that are energy dense and nutrient poor can become a vicious cycle of increasing stress. For me, it seems the more I stress, the more I crave indulgent foods and want to treat myself to yet another sweet or salty snack or both! As a working mum of two young children and a part time student, I can relate to those who struggle to find time to prepare healthy and well balanced meals for themselves and their family every day. It requires consistent planning and preparation, and sometimes other things need to come first. Inevitably our diets can suffer. For those among us also dealing with additional symptoms around food intolerance , it can become difficult to even know what to eat, and what is best for each of us throughout our lives.
Stress, emotions and lack of time are some of many factors that can influence the foods we choose and crave and hence their effects on us. But for many of us, this may only be part of the story as to why we experience discomfort after eating.
For some, even after we have improved the quality of food we eat and reduced our stress, symptoms can still persist. We may then try and seek answers for ourselves. This can be increasingly difficult, given the myriad of dietary advice available to us these days.
Generalisations around fad diets and food trends tend to contradict one another, and become problematic to our health. Potentially placing us in danger of developing macro-nutrient imbalances and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
We are all unique, dynamic individuals. Our specific responses to food can therefore differ significantly. A food intolerance test can shed some light on your unique relationship with the foods you consume.
The food detective test for food intolerance can indicate where you may need to make dietary adjustments, and our qualified practitioners can guide you towards implementing any changes to your diet. For some it may mean just reducing or changing the source or type of a certain food. Such as switching from wheat pasta to rice or corn pasta or from white flours to wholemeal. For others it may be more intricate.
Remember optimal health requires a holistic approach. The team at Core Naturopathics can support you to make lasting, beneficial changes to your diet and lifestyle, not just symptomatic relief alone.
To learn more about the Food Detection tests now available at Core, and our holistic health assessments, please visit our website or call us today.
We look forward to assisting you on your way to optimal health and wellbeing!