Complex chronic health conditions in children
The practitioners at Core offer personalised, precision healthcare that tackles the root cause of complex chronic conditions.
This large ‘umbrella’ including allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, CFS, PANDAS, POTS, Lyme, mitochondrial dysfunction, developmental and mood disorders, heart conditions, digestive and autoimmune disease (MCAS, CIRS), Post Acute Infection Syndrome & Long COVID.
The orthodox view of chronic disease is that it’s a “mysterious” genetic or psychiatric disorder that results in certain observed behaviours, and little can be done to impact its effects. Times have changed…
When you understand that the pre-school analogy of foreign invaders (germs) fighting your inner soldiers (immune system) has been rendered obsolete by our awareness of the microbiome and virome; the reality comes crashing home that we are made up of and intimately rely on the very organisms that medicine is often intent on killing off!
The biggest disruptive technology in the field of health will not come from any new device or discovery. Rather from the broad realisation and adoption of strategies that support the body’s self-healing capacity. This is when you can graduate to a deeper sense that illness is purposeful, that the body recalibrates through fever, has its own mechanisms to deal with inflammation, oxidative stress and toxins, and that when we recognise the body’s innate wisdom – healing can take place.
The Core approach seeks to identify and treat the ‘upstream’ causes of the ‘downstream’ symptoms that are described and grouped under the label of ‘chronic disease’. What factors have predisposed your child, what has triggered the loss of self-regulation in your child’s body and what assistance is required to help in moving it back toward balance and normal function?
While you will find a vast array of information and opinions in this field, our service is to coordinate for you a logical, multi-modality and integrated approach to therapy for your child. Selecting and sequencing appropriate treatments based on results from targeted testing is essential for best outcomes and saves time, energy and money.
Under one roof, our team work in concert to provide the best possible outcomes in the shortest possible time frames. Our practitioners and support staff offer long term support and commitment with decades of direct experience treating chronic disease. Our treatments are client centered using traditional techniques, natural medicines and new technologies to motivate and empower you in regaining control of your health.
We offer testing and interpretation in:
Genetic profiling
Functional biochemistry (urine, saliva, bioimpedance, live blood microscopy)
Genetic Stool analysis
Urinary organic acid testing
Mineral, Vitamin & Heavy Metal screening
Food Sensitivity Testing
Functional pathology (Thyroid, Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Amino acids etc)
While providing specialist treatment services in:
Clinical Naturopathy (Gut/Microbiome, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Immune)
Individualised Nutrition Programs (GAPS, GF/CF, SCD, Western Price etc)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
PEMF Therapy
Comprehensive Herbal, Nutritional and Homeopathic dispensary
Hyperthermia and Ozone therapy
Autonomic Nervous System rebalancing | entrainment
Our aim is to allay fear and have you feel supported, nurtured, educated, in control and content in the real world management of this incredibly demanding set of circumstances.
We invite you to further familiarise yourself with the information on our web pages and call reception on 1300 855 008 to discuss your situation and needs or to book your initial appointment.