Chiropractic Health – Work related injuries
Injuries at work cost time and money, not only in direct costs of treatment and compensation but in the indirect costs of lost production, idle overhead and increased insurance premiums. When an injury occurs you need to send the worker to the professional that gets the best results in the shortest time and at the least cost.
Independent studies show that your Doctor of Chiropractic can return injured workers in up to half the time and at half the cost of conventional medical care.
The following are examples of these findings:
1. Average time off work for chiropractic patients was five days, 20 days for medical patients.
2. (a) The cost of chiropractic treatment was 46% less than that of medical treatment.
(b) Compensation paid for chiropractic patients was 36% less than that of medical patients.
(c) Average time off work was 13.2 days for chiropractic patients and 21.8 days for medical patients.
3. 82% of patients treated with chiropractic care returned to work with less than one week off work. Of those under medical treatment only 41% returned to work with less than one week off work.
Many patients who initially receive chiropractic care for the symptomatic care or pain relief choose to continue chiropractic care after their initial treatment is complete. These people recognise that by maintaining their spines at a level of optimum function many future problems can be prevented in the same manner that a regular check by the dentist can prevent long term dental problems developing. In other words, a strong spine is less likely to cause problems when it is placed under a physical stress. Chiropractic is concerned with the restoration and maintenance of health by the adjustment of the articulations and related structures of the body, particularly of the spine.
Doctors of Chiropractic are experts in the field of musculo-skeletal disorders and injuries having completed degree courses involving five years full-time study and including some 5600 hours of lectures in the medical sciences and the skills unique to the Doctor of Chiropractic and practical “hands-on” experience in the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions affecting our health.
Chiropractic has been included as primary contact health care ( medical referral is not required) in the Worker’s Compensation Act since 1978. Recent changes to the Worker’s Compensation Act stress the importance of an effective rehabilitation programme for work related injuries. Chiropractic involvement in your rehabilitation programme ensures you of the most effective and balanced care for your employees.
Produced by the Australian Chiropractor’s Association