Complex chronic health conditions in children
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors, for example, Oesomeprazole, Pantoprazole) suppress stomach acid production and are commonly prescribed for GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease) to be used in short courses for treating gastric ulceration by doctors, amongst other things… Continue reading
When there is imbalance in your gut microbiome, it is often referred to as ‘gut dysbiosis’. This condition can wreak havoc and be the cause of many different disorders. Fortunately, there is a great deal that you can do in regards to diet to help restore your gut microbiome and achieve long lasting better health outcomes… Continue reading
Before the microwave became popular in the late 60’s, people used to actually cook their food using the oven or the stovetop and use fresh, wholefoods. The ‘TV dinner’ used to take 15 minutes in the oven. But now with a society that’s fast paced, built on convenience and with the emergence of science and … Continue reading
* | “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” Oscar Wilde There is no nutritional substance questioned as much as cholesterol, paired with so many misperceptions about whether it’s bad or good. Cholesterol is actually needed for our health; our body makes cholesterol from the breakdown of sugars, fats and proteins. If we are stressed (which a … Continue reading
So you are ready to focus on recovery and maintenance of your health rather than on disease and the use of medications for suppression of its symptoms. Congratulations – there has likely been much ‘water under the bridge’ to get you to this point! ‘So what is to be done then?’ Make sure the basics … Continue reading
If you’ve been diagnosed with depression, your doctor may have told you that you’re ‘just born that way’, and you may worry that having a depressed family member means that you’ll get depression too. However, science is showing that our destinies are not written in our genes and that depression is often a symptom of … Continue reading
Health can be envisaged on a timeline or spectrum. Symptoms like insomnia, aches and pains, skin rashes, constant fatigue, recurrent infections and indigestion are early markers of imbalance, that if ignored can worsen and eventually lead to a significant or even catastrophic loss in self regulative capacity and the development of a chronic disease state… Continue reading
by Jacqueline Lovett A commendable study released earlier this year was one of the first in proving the effectiveness of nutritional and dietary interventions when treating Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Many preceding studies reveal children and adults with ASD, have significant nutritional deficiencies, a metabolic imbalance and digestive problems. For years we knew the importance … Continue reading