Complex chronic health conditions in children
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
If you’ve been diagnosed with depression, your doctor may have told you that you’re ‘just born that way’, and you may worry that having a depressed family member means that you’ll get depression too. However, science is showing that our destinies are not written in our genes and that depression is often a symptom of … Continue reading
Core Naturopathics offers you the most advanced testing currently available. Our OligoScan test allows us to measure the bio-availability (quickly and precisely) of trace elements (minerals) and heavy metal intoxication. Via the hand our spectrometry laser accurately measures the density of chemical substances, giving us an incredible insight into: Twenty major minerals – there deficiencies … Continue reading
Disease Prevention: The World Health Organization defines prevention as ‘approaches and activities aimed at reducing the likelihood that a disease or disorder will affect an individual, interrupting or slowing the progress of the disorder or reducing disability’ (WHO 2004). An important part of disease prevention is health promotion. This describes activities which help individuals and … Continue reading
Become proactive with your health: Seek information regarding health from a qualified holistic practitioner, to help prevent ill health and support individual health long term. Take charge of your own body and learn from it. Even when you may feel well, it’s important to also track your health and monitor changes over time. This way … Continue reading
Core Potential A Simple Test Changing Lives Our Core Potential test is giving incredible information to those clients that have been unable to find answers to simple health problems as well as complex diseases. What is the test? This test identifies (holistically) what may be some of the simplest answers to sometimes complex situations. … Continue reading
Would you like to understand the difference between food sensitivity and allergy or intolerance? Discover the Food Detective&#… Continue reading
You no doubt have heard the saying “Prevention is better than cure”? Which basically means that it is better to stop something bad from happening, than it is to deal with it after it has happened. Natural Therapists believe that it is unhealthy cells that lead to disease – disease does not cause unhealthy cells. … Continue reading