Complex chronic health conditions in children
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
When you relate to the body from a holistic and functional perspective, you understand restoring adaptive capacity to restore balance is paramount – but how to proceed… Continue reading
Most people assume the immune system is just a single unit, but in fact it is a gamut of interrelated functions that primarily protect and repair the body… Continue reading
Read about the illusion of a shortcut to curing disease and what is to be done to cultivate true health… Continue reading
You want to be an active participant with personalised care and a practitioner who targets ‘root causes’ treating all of you, not just your symptoms… Continue reading
Our solution to finding the root cause of your issues is to understand two critical things: what should be going on in your body vs. what is actually going on in the body… Continue reading
So you are ready to focus on recovery and maintenance of your health rather than on disease and the use of medications for suppression of its symptoms. Congratulations – there has likely been much ‘water under the bridge’ to get you to this point! ‘So what is to be done then?’ Make sure the basics … Continue reading
The continued use of our Hyperthermia device, HOCATT over the last several months has seen some significant therapeutic results. As we support many clients in improving their immune and detoxification function, we are seeing more significant milestones that indicate our treatment protocols are effective. The Herxheimer reaction is something that has been experienced by a … Continue reading
Health can be envisaged on a timeline or spectrum. Symptoms like insomnia, aches and pains, skin rashes, constant fatigue, recurrent infections and indigestion are early markers of imbalance, that if ignored can worsen and eventually lead to a significant or even catastrophic loss in self regulative capacity and the development of a chronic disease state… Continue reading