Complex chronic health conditions in children
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions… Continue reading
The key to effectively bringing the body back into balance from states of anxiety and overwhelm is active recovery… Continue reading
If your stress, poor sleep, mood issues, brain fog, past trauma or any form of nervous system imbalance is an obstacle for you being your best self right now, call up Core today and book an appointment to try the IMRS mat… Continue reading
PEMF therapy is able to reduce pain and repair tissues in the first instance by decreasing inflammation and restoring energy to cells… Continue reading
We are excited to be expanding our electromagnetic therapies at Core Naturopathics. We recently purchased two PEMF beds from the FAR Clinic in Utah. These beds are a revolutionary step forward in providing medication free treatments, for a vast range of conditions. So What does it Do? In simple terms the PEMF frequencies support the … Continue reading
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy dramatically assists the body regaining balance where it has been lost to disease – even in conditions as complex as Cancer, Lyme disease, Autism, Osteoporosis and various Pain Syndromes. Over recent years the practitioners at Core Naturopathics have been treating growing numbers of clients with increasingly more complex health challenges. … Continue reading
Did you know we not only need food, water, sunlight and air to live but also the natural pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) of the earth. They are essential for the internal signalling and regulation of our body. For decades, professional athletes (looking for the edge on their competitors) have been using PEMF therapy to better … Continue reading
…and how to maximise your healing potential in conditions like Cancer, Lyme and Autism. Recovery and healing can only be accomplished once we understand what disease is and that it is far more than absence of health. Disease is always a biologically meaningful process, the purpose of which is to eliminate toxins and to repair, … Continue reading
I didn’t know that there are five (5) essential elements to sustain life on earth. I know of four, but the fifth element didn’t really pop up until I started researching around a new piece of equipment for the clinic. So, we all know the first four: Air Water Sunlight Food. ? The fifth element … Continue reading
While used widely in many Eastern and European hospitals and clinics over many decades, PEMF therapy is rapidly being recognised in the West. We are very pleased to announce that Core Naturopathics will now be offering this extremely useful technology to our clients for pain relief and many other conditions. What are Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields? … Continue reading