How To Hack Your Neuromuscular System with G-forces
Every muscle in your body is activated, reflex pathways are awakened, strength is promoted, hormones are excreted, oxygenation occurs, and circulation is enhanced… Continue reading
Every muscle in your body is activated, reflex pathways are awakened, strength is promoted, hormones are excreted, oxygenation occurs, and circulation is enhanced… Continue reading
Would you be interested in a space and a program to assist you reach and maintain peak performance… Continue reading
Optimizing my sleep has possibly been the most impactful thing I’ve implemented for my personal health and general well-being. … Continue reading
From a system science perspective, all therapy is focused on the need to support and re-establish optimal cellular environment and capacity. In this scenario disease cannot remain or manifest… Continue reading
If your stress, poor sleep, mood issues, brain fog, past trauma or any form of nervous system imbalance is an obstacle for you being your best self right now, call up Core today and book an appointment to try the IMRS mat… Continue reading
Hyperthermic Ozone & Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology… Continue reading
A ‘next generation’ wellness system to boost energy, enhance circulation, assist detoxification and strengthen your immune system… Continue reading
Listen to the latest podcast with Brett O’Brien on HBOT!… Continue reading
The medical smoothie was made for the purpose of providing nutritional support to our clients and to nourish them on their journey towards better health. With a range of our favourite ingredients, we have compiled a recipe that not only is good for you, but tastes great too! So what’s in it? Kale ½ … Continue reading
Health can be envisaged on a timeline or spectrum. Symptoms like insomnia, aches and pains, skin rashes, constant fatigue, recurrent infections and indigestion are early markers of imbalance, that if ignored can worsen and eventually lead to a significant or even catastrophic loss in self regulative capacity and the development of a chronic disease state… Continue reading