Top 5 Free Biohacks For Sleep
Optimizing my sleep has possibly been the most impactful thing I've implemented for my personal health and general well-being...
System Science and Functional Healthcare
From a system science perspective, all therapy is focused on the need to support and re-establish optimal cellular environment and capacity. In this scenario disease cannot remain or manifest...
It’s ‘All in Your Head’ – Is Your Doctor (Partly) Right?
It’s not that your body does not know how and when to heal and recover – it is just not being told to under the direction of a subconscious and automatic directive...
How to Recover from a ‘Not Well Since’ Event
Do you remember how well your car started last time your battery went flat? You weren’t traveling very far, were you? In a toxin context, a block to energy production reduces your capacity to detoxify, self-regulate and repair – resulting in you being ‘poisoned’ to one degree or another!...
Self Awareness
As multidimensional beings we need compassion, care, and awareness each moment of our lives and we need to give this to others in ways that are beneficial for all...
Cultivating Coherence
It is only in quieting yourself, becoming still, and in this silent listening, a listening deeply to yourself through the breath can you hear your inner promptings, your deep and authentic truth...
Smell the roses
I failed to see where I needed to slow down, even stop, to take a rest to reconnect with my breath and listen to the cues that were coming from my body...
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is related to changes in the season...
Today’s modern lifestyle puts constant demands on our adrenal glands. Over a period of time, continual stress will eventually deplete the health and function of the adrenal glands...
Pregnancy Massage & It’s benefits By Erin Sonnier
You are pregnant, a lot is going on for you, and gravity has shifted the very roots of you. There is a way to cope beyond just dietary changes and more rest...