
What is depression and what is not?

As Paul Keating said in the remarkable interview with Kerry O’Brien in 2013: There is a place for sadness and melancholy. His father died suddenly at the age of 60. He’d walked down the street to put a bet on the races and “he died sitting on the side of the road”. Keating was washing…...

Is Natural Medicine Really ‘Alternative’?

Natural medicine was up until recently the only medicine - period. It wasn’t considered “an alternative.” That only happened after corporate medicine’s patented drugs came onto the scene and profit - not safety and efficacy - became the ultimate priority. For example, if you were to enlarge and peruse the amazing 1930's pharmacist's map of 'herbal cures’, you will see…...

In the Land of the Sick, Homeostasis is King

So you’ve tried everything and are desperate?  The best the doctors can offer you is a cocktail of increasingly toxic drugs, radiation or carving out some part of your person? Or perhaps you’ve been told that your mystery illness is all in your head or does not exist in your part of the world? You’ve reached…...

Poo Pills and a Short History of Medicine

Modern medicine has evolved to where it is today in part through a scientific and philosophical debate that capped off the 19th century. On one side of the debate was French microbiologist Antoine Bechamp. On the other side was French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. I will get to the ‘poo pills’ reference shortly... Bechamp and Pasteur…...

5 essential elements to sustain life on earth

I didn't know that there are five (5) essential elements to sustain life on earth. I know of four, but the fifth element didn't really pop up until I started researching around a new piece of equipment for the clinic. So, we all know the first four: Air Water Sunlight Food. ? The fifth element…...

Are you addicted to sugar?

There's lots of interest and information around at the moment about food and sugar addiction. Many of us can easily say that we have a sweet tooth. Whether it's chocolate, lollies, cakes, cookies, sugar in our tea of coffee, or soft drink, our world is filled with lots of sugary temptations, hot chips, bread, burgers...…...

The “D” word – is Diet a dirty word?

I don't know about you, but when I hear the word diet I tend to cringe. I immediately get cynical, and think "Great! what have they come up with this time?!". I start thinking weight loss, restriction, starvation, hassle, stress, carrot sticks... but when I remind myself of the other meaning of "diet": The kinds…...

Healthy ‘Raffaello’

aka Coconut-Almond Truffles Ingredients 1 cup desiccated coconut, unsweetened 3 tablespoons maple syrup or manuka honey 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon coconut cream (not milk), unsweetened 12 almonds (peeled if you like, I used natural unpeeled ones) More unsweetened coconut for rolling (about 1/4 cup) Preparation Combine the first three ingredients in a…...

Why is “eating healthy” so hard?

Ahh, the million dollar nutritionist’s question! "Why is eating healthy so hard?" There are lots of reasons actually, so I’ll go through a few here: How many times were you forced to eat your vegetables as a kid before you could leave the table? Perhaps a bit of rebellious streak hanging around. Feeling low –…...

With just a little KISS

“It's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a question of finding a sickness you like” Jackie Mason A little pessimistic and it certainly does not have to pan out this way for you! With just a little KISS (Keeping It Simple, Stupid) much suffering can be eliminated. How does this work? By finding…...