PNOE Pre-test prerequisites
How to prepare for your VO2 max test....
Our practitioners monitor, support and guide you in understanding your illness from a holistic or functional perspective – what’s gone wrong and what can be done to set things right.
Holistic assessment of human physiology via VO2 max testing; directing personalized adaptive strategies, nutrition and training programs.
We specialise in complementary and adjunct care, management and support for serious health challenges like cancer, autism, auto-immune and other chronic disease conditions.
Remedial Massage therapies to remove physical blocks to healing and homeostasis (including Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point, Myofascial and Positional Release).
How to prepare for your VO2 max test....
How Core practitioners support children and find the root cause of complex chronic health conditions...
Vitopia will collaborate data collected from our in-house testing data, functional testing, suppleme...
CORE therapy is designed to promote the body’s self- healing and recovery capacity, placing you in the best position to get back to balance and living life to your potential.
CORE practitioners view your illness as a reflection of the loss of balance (homeostasis) or adaptive capacity in your system. And while often not your ‘fault’, illness and its symptoms are the logical end result when overwhelmed by the challenges, demands and influences of modern life.
Over the years our practitioners have built up interest and experience in adjunct and complementary care in a number of specialty areas including cancer, autism, cognitive health, vector born illnesses, menopause and care of elite athletes.
For more information please use the ‘search’ bar on our blog page.
Please don’t hesitate to get in contact – we love to chat all things health!
Our team are more than happy to help you navigate, traverse and prioritise options for your healing journey where you may have become lost or bogged down.
Call or email today for a free 15 min discovery consultation or to arrange a time to stop by, meet the team and take a look around. 02 4283 1200